Broken Teeth?
Click on the following pages and learn how we can help:
All On 4 Plus®
The All On 4 Plus® dental system is a way to restore a series of missing teeth. Multiple missing teeth can cause multiple problems such as interfering with speech or difficulty...
CEREC: Same Day Crown
CEREC is short for Chairside Economical Restoration and Esthetic Ceramics. While this sounds like a mouthful, an easier way to understand is the term, CEramic REConstruction...
Dental Crown & Dental Bridges
Modern dentistry focuses on saving your teeth whenever possible, we strive to keep your smile as natural as possible. If your tooth is damaged...
Dental Fillings
Cavities and tooth decay happens. And when they do, you have plenty of options to help repair damaged teeth or stop further decay. We know that a dentist visit may not...
Dental Implants
Dental implants are an innovative and natural-looking way to replace missing teeth. They are superior to bridges and dentures because they don’t move or fall out...
Dentures are one type of prosthesis Gisborne Dental House offers to replace and/or restore your missing teeth, They are removable, which alot of patients dislike. They are usually...
Tooth Restoration
dental restoration or filling is a treatment that restores the function, integrity and morphology of the tooth structure caused by caries or trauma. It also includes the replacement of...