Periodontal Treatment

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Periodontal Treatment at Gisborne, Macedon & Riddells Creek

When left untreated, gum disease can wreak havoc on your gums and lead to tooth loss. Periodontal treatment is the dental solution that can help heal and even reverse gum disease. Our dentists at The Dental House at Gisborne are experienced with gum disease in all stages and can help restore your oral health.

Gum Disease and Periodontitis

Periodontal Treatment - Gisborne, Macedon & Riddells Creek - Gisborne Dental House

Gum disease is a common infection that can worsen without treatment. Periodontitis is a later stage of gum disease that can result in bleeding gums and foul breath, and can even damage the gums, creating the need for surgery.

Bacteria can hide in between teeth and in unseen crevices. Improper brushing can allow plaque to become sticky and eventually harden to form a substance known as tartar or calculus, which can accumulate even more bacteria. This vicious cycle allows infection to bury itself deeper into the gumline and spread to the surrounding teeth, which can become painful and devastating as teeth become loose and bone deteriorates.

Periodontal Treatment - Gisborne, Macedon & Riddells Creek - Gisborne Dental House

Gum Disease and Periodontitis


Gum disease is a common infection that can worsen without treatment. Periodontitis is a later stage of gum disease that can result in bleeding gums and foul breath, and can even damage the gums, creating the need for surgery.

Bacteria can hide in between teeth and in unseen crevices. Improper brushing can allow plaque to become sticky and eventually harden to form a substance known as tartar or calculus, which can accumulate even more bacteria. This vicious cycle allows infection to bury itself deeper into the gumline and spread to the surrounding teeth, which can become painful and devastating as teeth become loose and bone deteriorates.

From Gingivitis to Periodontitis


When healthy, gums are a soft pink color with no discomfort. Bacterial buildup can lead to infection in anyone, leading to a mild form of gum disease called gingivitis. This mild condition causes inflammation of the gums, leading to pain and bleeding while brushing. Periodontitis is the later stage gum disease as the infection increases in severity. It can spread throughout the mouth and even travel through the body and lead to health issues.

The Symptoms of Periodontitis


Symptoms of periodontitis are more severe than early stage gum disease. Some common symptoms are as follows:

Bad breath
Bad taste in mouth even after brushing
Gums that easily bleed
Pain in gumline
Heavy dental plaque buildup
Tooth or gum pain when chewing
Receding gums
Loose teeth
Tooth loss
Body wide infection or inflammation

Our Happy Patient

Bianca S.

Just had the most thorough teeth clean any dentist has given me. Thank you! The staff are super caring and friendly also. Will recommend to everyone.

Bianca S.

The Stages of Gum Disease

While periodontitis is a later stage of gum disease, there are earlier stages that can be treated to stop the progress of infection. There are numerous reasons for gum infections including heredity and improper oral hygiene practices. When left untreated, the infection will spread or become worse along with the symptoms. The following are some signs to watch for in each of the stages of gum disease.

Gingivitis - Periodontal Treatment - Gisborne, Macedon & Riddells Creek - Gisborne Dental House


This early stage gum disease results in swollen, inflamed gums. As gingivitis progresses, gums may begin to recede along with wider spaces between teeth and bad breath even shortly after brushing.

Early Periodontitis - Periodontal Treatment - Gisborne, Macedon & Riddells Creek - Gisborne Dental House

Early Periodontitis

This is the next stage as gingivitis progresses and inflammation increases. Gums can start to detract from the teeth and form pockets that will trap food and more bacteria. This stage may be noticed as more food seems to become trapped between the teeth and gums.

Moderate Periodontitis - Periodontal Treatment - Gisborne, Macedon & Riddells Creek - Gisborne Dental House

Moderate Periodontitis

As periodontitis spreads, it is considered moderate and very treatable. During this stage, teeth and gums become more painful as teeth begin to become loose. The gums recede further and some supporting bone may be lost.

Advanced Periodontitis - Periodontal Treatment - Gisborne, Macedon & Riddells Creek - Gisborne Dental House

Advanced Periodontitis

This later stage of gum disease may involve gums that easily bleed, loose teeth, and abscesses in the gums or on the gumline. Teeth may fall out at this stage if not treated.

If you have gum disease, we can help. We will do our best to put you at ease, stop the pain, eliminate the infection, and save your teeth.

Periodontitis Treatment at The Dental House at Gisborne


A dental examination will reveal what stage your gum disease is in and help us quickly form a treatment plan. We offer multiple solutions for pain relief and if you have dental anxiety, let us know so we can help. Your comfort is important to us and we want you to know that periodontal treatment will help relieve pain, not cause it. The following is what you can expect with periodontal treatment at The Dental House:

We will do a full examination to determine the extent and stage of infection
We will do a professional teeth cleaning to remove the calculus and plaque from your teeth, which will begin the healing process
If the plaque buildup is heavy or if you request it, plaque removal can be done in two visits instead of one
If you are in the later stage of periodontitis, we may recommend gum surgery to remove infected and damaged gums and allow your mouth to begin healing
Severe periodontitis may require tissue grafting or regeneration to promote new gum and bone tissue
Your dentist may prescribe a medication or mouthwash to kill infection and reduce inflammation
You may receive customized instructions for home treatment as your mouth continues to heal

Preventing Gum Disease


Daily oral hygiene with proper brushing and flossing is the core to oral hygiene and the prevention of gum disease. Bacteria can still stick to your teeth and hide in between teeth, so professional dental cleanings can help remove hidden plaque and further lower your risk of periodontitis. Early stages of gum disease can be reversed without long-term problems, so regular dental exams are still the best preventative measure to avoid gum disease altogether. The following are some things you can do to prevent gum disease from returning after periodontal treatment.

Brush your teeth at least twice each day
Be sure to clean around dental fillings and crowns and between teeth and uneven areas
Clear food deposits from between teeth with dental floss, an interdental brush, or dental irrigator
Thoroughly clean your brush after each use
Store your toothbrush in an upright position
Replace your toothbrush every three months
After periodontitis treatment, brush with either a soft or medium bristle brush, depending on your dentist’s recommendations
Use any recommended mouthwash as instructed
Take any prescribed medications
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While we agree that you can’t put a price on good health (especially when it comes to your teeth), we understand the reality of family budgets. That’s why we offer flexible treatment options and family-affordable pricing. You might say the only thing average about Dental House is our prices.

Our Happy Patient

Debra N.

I was a nervous patient, but Sonya made me very comfortable. And, reassuring, best dentist I have been to. Rebbeca is very welcoming and helpful too. THANK YOU!

Debra N.

Stop Gum Disease Today


If you have or suspect gum disease, call us right away to schedule a dental exam. We will create a treatment plan to help restore your oral health, with comfort, skill, and care.

Disclaimer: The material posted is for informational purposes only and is not intended to substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Results vary with each patient. Any dental procedure carries risks and benefits. If you have any specific questions about any dental and/or medical matter, you should consult your dentist, physician or other professional healthcare providers.

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